Montag, 19. August 2013


Hallo zusammen,
da ich selbst nicht wusste was ich in meinen Gastfamilienbrief schreiben soll, dachte ich mir ich poste mal meinen hier. Ihr könnt gerne etwas übernehmen, aber denkt daran dieser Brief soll euch beschreiben und nicht mich. (zur Info ich habe meinen Gastfamilienbrief im Juli 2013 geschrieben)

Dear host Family,
My name is Dominique Brandauer and I am 14 years old. I live together with my mother, my stepdad, my sister and with one of my two stepbrothers in a wonderful house with a garden. I live in B***, a small village near by Stuttgart.
My dad lives in M*** because my parents split up 8years ago.
My mum, Andrea, is a Yoga Teacher and sells suits with my stepdad, Torsten. My dad, Andreas, works at Siemens and often travels to the US because of his work. My sister, Antonia, is 11years old and is in the 6th grade in a Gymnasium, the best school level in Germany. My stepbrother, who lives with us, is already working. My other stepbrother is 17 and goes to the same school as my sister and me.
Now I will tell you something about myself. I´m in the 8th grade and when I will go to the US I would be in grade 10 in Germany. My favorite subjects are English, Math, Arts and Music. But I am not that good in English grammar.
Every winter since 10 years I practice skiing with my sister and my dad and I love it so much. Our score in skiing at one day was 90km from 8.30am to 1pm and from 1.30pm to 4.45pm. Another hobby of me is inline skating. In summer I go out for inline skating. In winter I practice it in a gym. Because it makes more fun I go inline skating in a group every Monday.
I also play Saxophone. Last year I was in a Big Band and an Orchestra, but this year I have no time for it. But I have a Saxophone teacher, who practices with me every week half an hour. I can also play piano, clarinet, “saxonette” and recorder. I am not only good in music, I am also very creative. I have painted the back side of my shelf and my wall behind my bed. On the wall are memories, postcards, bags, maps, a pair of old “Flip Flops”, tickets, papers, pictures…
I also love traveling, I was at different places on the world I was for example in Egypt (Africa), France, Florida (USA), Italy, Spain, Austria (that’s where my mother comes from), Hungary, Great Britain…
Why I want to go for a year to the USA, there are many reasons. Last summer (2012) I was in England and this summer (2013) I will go a second time. The exchange takes two weeks. At that time I live in a host family and every morning we get teach. In the afternoon we go on trips. The life with a host family was very excited and I want to do an exchange for a longer time. Now I´d like to do it in the US because I´ve always loved the county and it would be awesome to live there for a longer time. Another reason is, as I told you already, my trip with my sister and my dad to Florida. I saw Disney World, Universal Studios, Kennedy Space Center and a lot more. I really like the “American way of Life” and I want to feel the “High school-Spirit”.
Do you like me? Would you like me to be a part of your family? I would love to! Hope to see you soon.
Dominique B.

Das war mein Gastfamilien Brief…Liebe Grüße Dominique

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